mes visi žurnalistaiBerašydamas disertaciją privalau skaityti daug. O kai lietuviškos bibliotekos turtais netrykšta, tai tenka pirkti pačiam. Ne taip seniai nusipirkau pirmą elektroninę knygą – „We’re All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age“. Keisčiausia, kad sumokėjau gerokai daugiau nei pirkdamas bet kokią panašią lietuvišką popierinę…

Tačiau verta. Siūlau paskutinę knygos pastraipą, kuria apibendrina visus pavyzdžius ir argumentus:

It is time to do away with the journalistic caste system we have created, which elevates the employees of established news organizations above other citizens engaged in the practice of journalism. It is time to reclaim the conception of press liberty as a right and a privilege that belongs to all of us, not just mainstream news organizations. It is time to recognize that technology has caught up with the First Amendment and truly made us all journalists now, and to work together in ensuring that the journalism of the twenty-first century enables us to thrive as a society.