XXI a. kasdienybės dienoraštis

Employee's Right to Blog: Free Speech Challenge for Enterprises in Information Society

On April 27th-28th Latvian Academy of Sciences together with Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius) and College of Law (Riga) will host a conference “Third Year within the European Union: Topical Problems in Management of Economics and Law”, where I will present the topic about employee's right to blog. A short summary:

Growth of internet has created a new phenomenon of publicly available personal web diaries (weblogs, blogs). The new medium is a perfect vehicle to connect employees in huge enterprises, therefore, members of information society use it as a platform to protect employees’ interests. At the same time, blogging employees create threats that internal information might be disclosed, clients will receive negative comments from employees. Leading international companies do not wait for the trials to begin and start adapting blogging policies. The situation in Europe is slow, but uncovering legal disputes will intensify the academic discussion between employees’ and employers’ supporters.


  1. Pocius.lt

    Tam yra darbo sutartys, kuriose galima nurodyti, kad už slaptos informacijos paviešinimą žmogus bus baudžiamas. Paprasta. Nors gal ir ne…

  2. liutauras

    Kai kuriais atvejais tokia darbo sutarties sąlyga gali būti negaliojanti dėl imperatyvių įstatymų nuostatų

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