XXI a. kasdienybės dienoraštis

LR Seimas vs. blogeriai: administracinis teismas prašo blogerio sutarties :)

Plačiau bus čia.


  1. Sfsts

    Siaip kai vienas komentatorius jau issireiske LR Seimas vs vieno zmogaus ego. O ne LR seimas vs blogeriai.

  2. smb

    xex 🙂 taip ir galvojau, kad jus gyvanate kalvariju 292 ir kuri laika buvom kaimynai 🙂

    adresa geriau bloge uzblurinkite 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    Top 10 Replies to "Are You a Journalist?"

    If you’re a news blogger mailing a company’s press support for a statement, and they reply with “Are you a journalist?”, then here are the top ways to answer that:

    1. “Let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about YOU.”

    2. “Yes, I am, didn’t you see my twin unicorns scoop in last month’s New Fantasy?”

    3. “You talkin’ to me? Well, I can’t see anybody else… you talkin’ to me?”

    4. “yah i’m a perfessional LOL”

    5. “Thank you for your inquiry! This is an automated reply. Unfortunately, due to the high demand of emails we’re getting …”

    6. “No, I’m a criminal collecting random words to print out for my ransom notes.”

    7. “Well, aren’t we ALL?”

    8. “Instead of one of those boring text answers, I prepared a little song for you…”

    9. “Define ’journalist.’”

    And the top blogger answer to “Are you a journalist?” is…

    10. “Napoleon in room 12 sure THINKS I am!”

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