If you’re a news blogger mailing a company’s press support for a statement, and they reply with “Are you a journalist?”, then here are the top ways to answer that:
1. “Let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about YOU.”
2. “Yes, I am, didn’t you see my twin unicorns scoop in last month’s New Fantasy?”
3. “You talkin’ to me? Well, I can’t see anybody else… you talkin’ to me?”
4. “yah i’m a perfessional LOL”
5. “Thank you for your inquiry! This is an automated reply. Unfortunately, due to the high demand of emails we’re getting …”
6. “No, I’m a criminal collecting random words to print out for my ransom notes.”
7. “Well, aren’t we ALL?”
8. “Instead of one of those boring text answers, I prepared a little song for you…”
9. “Define ’journalist.’”
And the top blogger answer to “Are you a journalist?” is…
Kiekvienas žmogus palieka pėdsaką. Kartais net netyčia.
XXI amžiuje mūsų brangiausia valiuta – laikas – virsta žiniomis. Todėl mano pėdsakas kasdienybėje – tai mano mintys, jų virsmai darbais ir, kartais, net pokyčiais toliau nei aš pats.
Viešumo baimė ir iššūkiai nėra ir negali virsti kliūtimis, kurios mus varžo ir riboja. Privatumo mažėjimas yra kaina, kurią privalome sumokėti, jeigu informacinėje visuomenėje norime išlikti laisvi ir, svarbiausia, sąžiningi prieš patys save.
Siaip kai vienas komentatorius jau issireiske LR Seimas vs vieno zmogaus ego. O ne LR seimas vs blogeriai.
xex 🙂 taip ir galvojau, kad jus gyvanate kalvariju 292 ir kuri laika buvom kaimynai 🙂
adresa geriau bloge uzblurinkite 🙂
Top 10 Replies to "Are You a Journalist?"
If you’re a news blogger mailing a company’s press support for a statement, and they reply with “Are you a journalist?”, then here are the top ways to answer that:
1. “Let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about YOU.”
2. “Yes, I am, didn’t you see my twin unicorns scoop in last month’s New Fantasy?”
3. “You talkin’ to me? Well, I can’t see anybody else… you talkin’ to me?”
4. “yah i’m a perfessional LOL”
5. “Thank you for your inquiry! This is an automated reply. Unfortunately, due to the high demand of emails we’re getting …”
6. “No, I’m a criminal collecting random words to print out for my ransom notes.”
7. “Well, aren’t we ALL?”
8. “Instead of one of those boring text answers, I prepared a little song for you…”
9. “Define ’journalist.’”
And the top blogger answer to “Are you a journalist?” is…
10. “Napoleon in room 12 sure THINKS I am!”