As today I gave an oath in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania as part of the procedure to becoming a member of the Supreme Electotoral Commision of the Republic of Lithuania.

It reads:

Aš, Liutauras Ulevičius, prisiekiu būti ištikimas Lietuvos Respublikai, laikytis jos Konstitucijos ir įstatymų, sąžiningai ir garbingai atlikti savo pareigas Vyriausiojoje rinkimų komisijoje ir susilaikyti nuo poelgių, pažeidžiančių įstatymus ir žmogaus teises.

Tepadeda man Dievas.

Although changes do have to take place, but as today I see those issues as a starting point for my activities during the work of this Commission (the list is not aligned to priorities).

  1. consultative referenda (national and local) utilizing e-banking solutions (as in place for personal tax declarations);
  2. monitoring and throughful analysis of political advertising and potential misbehavior;
  3. increasing transparency of political parties, especially concerning maximum requirements for state funding, third party (associations, think-tanks, etc.) cross-financing;
  4. database of candidates – from early soviet times up to the latest registrations: declarations of interests, legal misconducts, indictments, etc.
  5. increasing transparency of electoral procedures, transfering all possible transactions to public electronic form;
  6. … TBC

Those tasks must be specified and supplemented no later than this summer.