Today inspector of journalists' ethics has announced his decision Nr. SPR-9, which equally identifies questionable information available for public access in newspapers „Giružis”, „Panevėžio rytas”, „L.T.”, „Respublika“ and blog
Such decision strengthens my position, that bloggers and journalists should enjoy the same rights in order to require them obey similar rules. |
P.S. interesting question in this case – should inspector's decision be implemented by blog's author or the blog-farm owner, who is in charge under notice-and-take-down procedure.
I guess you declare a person who teaches how to make bombs on the internet should be considered to be a journalist?
Perhaps I dislearned to read, but does what written below say anything about journalism? Nope, only bombs, bombs and a law for the protection of the underaged from the negative influence of public information.
1. Interneto tinklalapyje pateikiamos sprogstamųjų medžiagų pasigaminimo instrukcijos, supažindinama su sprogstamųjų medžiagų sudedamosiomis dalimis bei medžiagų kiekiais norimo galingumo sprogmenims pasigaminti. Tinklalapyje esanti informacija atitinka Nepilnamečių apsaugos nuo neigiamo viešosios informacijos poveikio įstatymo 4 straipsnio 1 dalies 12 punkte numatytą kriterijų.
Lietuviškai tu jau neberašysi
Man tik idomu, kodel gauti akreditacijos kaip zurnalistai, blogeriai negali… o butu ispeti kaip zurnalistai – gali?
Anonymous, I declare, that rights and duties come together. we could not ask to obey rules if we are not ready to provide relevant rights.
vklase, šiuo klausimu esu paniręs į apmąstymus
Laura, būtent, teisių ir pareigų vienovė
Anonymous, tęsk!